I know ground hog day was a few days ago (I think his prediction here in Wisconsin was that winter will never end), but if you have seen the movie Gound Hog Day some of you may understand immediately what my life has been like this past January. The short of it is that in the movie this guy wakes up over and over and has to relive the same boring day over and over. Mine is more like the same week over and over:) It seems like each week in the last month someone has been sick, there is a snow storm..or fridgid cold weather, and I work frantically to catch up on laundry!
Tonight in fact, they are predicting another snow storm of 10-18 inches...possibly more if you are close to lake Michagan. They did not define close though! We are about 25 minutes away, so we will see if we get the 14+ inches and qualify as "close". I will let you all know on Thursday what the grand total is for snow! This will be the 4th snowday for the kids if they cancel school tomorrow. Megan has strep this week so it's not like I can go anywhere anyways, right! I am trying to look on the bright side:) Trying to find a miricle in the moment( I borrowed that phrase from Steven Curtis Chapmans new song!) Anyways, the bright side of the month was having Todd's sister, Mom and two nephews come and visit and Nathan celebrated his 10th Birthday! Where did the time go!!! I can't believe my first baby is 10! So here are some highlights of life since my last blog in December!
Anyone got static guard??

Nathan and Ryan went to a basketball game downtown and it was near Todd's work so they stopped to see his office (and use the bathroom).

Sledding and snowboarding over Christmas in Minnesota

A princess in the making ...or ballerina :) This was a costume I bought on clearance after Halloween and gave to her for Christmas!

Auntie Keri and uncle Ryan came to visit in January for a belated Christmas! Megan loved her princess trunk with tons of dress up items! They gave the boys a tent and an invitation to go camping with them for a week....I mean a weekend :)

Nathan turns 10!! What? How did that happen so fast!

Megan in the tub with a ton of duckies that she received from my cousin!!

Ok....I had to post a picture of the Nativity ducks! Too cute! Ryan received these from his Awana leader at church for Christmas. If you look close, left to right, there is a sheep duck, Joseph duck, Mary duck with baby Jesus duck, and three wise men ducks.