While I was on the
Spiderman ride with the boys Todd decided to take
Megans pictures with some super heroes:) Leave it to Dad. I believe the above picture is Captain America and below are characters from X-men. Who needs Cinderella:)

This is the one fish two fish ride in the Dr.
Seuss area. I made the mistake of going on it with Nathan and letting him
control the fish. He knew how to line up the fish so we went right through the sprinklers that were shooting out water. I ended up getting soaked! Nathan thought it was hilarious:) The boys loved this ride!! This was the first amusement park we went to. We learned Ryan loves all rides and has no fear( he is afraid of everything else though...can't quite figure it out) but Nathan needed to be talked into any rides that went off the ground ( he is afraid of heights)! He really didn't like the roller coasters. It was a really fun day with a little bit cooler weather. Lines were not bad at all!!
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