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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Home to Minnesota for the 4th
This was an indoor playground at the community center where we were at for my cousins informal wedding reception! Kids had a blast!
Two little monkeys:)
Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's (with the big dog!)Perfect weather and lots of fun! Grandma bought Megan her own little floating house:) This is The life Ryan has always dreamed of...all day in a pool!!
Nathan has become a great swimmer this year!! He has had a fear of water and really has made a lot of progress! Good Job Nathan!!
This is Megan with her cousin Devin who is also 2! It cracked me up to watch them play on the slip-n-slide. Devin would shout RUN...and go charging all the way down the slide. Megan on the other hand would run all the way to the slide and then when she actually got on the slip-n-slide she would carefully and slowly tip toe down to the end. Megan is all girl and Devin is all boy:) Pretty Cute to watch them!
Hi Healy Family. We sure did have fun this July at the wedding and also in the pool. Nate, Ryan and Megan sure did enjoy the pool, but so did Grandma. I am amazed at how good you boys can swim now and I even enjoyed getting splashed, Ryan. . . Love you guys, I can't wait till we can do it again. Love you guys, Grandma/with the BIG DOG!
Hi Barb(ie) & boys & Megan- It was great to see you too! I hope all the "goodies" made it home safely! I'm amazed even thru the pictures on this blog (or is it "in" this blog?) how much the kids have changed! Wow! I hope to be kept more updated thru this site! Take care, love ya G.A.M.
Psalm 84:3
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself....
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Hi Healy Family. We sure did have fun this July at the wedding and also in the pool. Nate, Ryan and Megan sure did enjoy the pool, but so did Grandma. I am amazed at how good you boys can swim now and I even enjoyed getting splashed, Ryan. . . Love you guys, I can't wait till we can do it again. Love you guys, Grandma/with the BIG DOG!
Hi Barb(ie) & boys & Megan-
It was great to see you too! I hope all the "goodies" made it home safely! I'm amazed even thru the pictures on this blog (or is it "in" this blog?) how much the kids have changed! Wow! I hope to be kept more updated thru this site!
Take care, love ya
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