I found some cute pictures today of some things we've done over the last few months. I had forgotten I had put some pictures on our other computer. My pictures are so disorganized it is not even funny! Anyways I thought I would post some of them.
Ryan's 9th Birthday party ~ roller skating!

Megan loved to skate, although the skates weighed more than her! I couldn't get Nathan to hold still for a picture!
In July we also tried camping this summer...in a TENT!! It went well other than Megan having bad reactions to mosquitoes...and getting a bite near her eye!
Ryan preferred the sand, swimming, diving...action stuff...over fishing.

Megan's first time fishing...she actually sat still for a little bit.

In August Todd, Nathan and Todd's Dad all went Charter fishing! Nice catch
of salmon and trout :)

Grandpa and Nathan
Oh, Nate, How you love salmon. Now you can eat them all you want. Great picture with Grandpa.
Hi Barb,
Excellent job on the blog. Thank your mom for passing it along. She's so proud. I'll stop by to check on you. Glad to see all you're well and thriving. I learned a new verse in James--excellent.
Blessings to you all.
Janie Peterson
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