Forecast for tomorrow, Thursday Jan. 15th :
High -5 with a windchill of 40 below. YUCK! It shouldn't be legal to even call that a high! School has already been cancelled because of the extreme cold we are having tomorrow.
I really do not like winter. Especially the months after Christmas.
Jan - March are such long, cold months. It is going even slower this winter with the wait to adopt Lauran.
So how do I get through winter.....Coffee :) I am not picky. Black coffee, flavored coffee, vanilla latte, pumpkin spice latte, cinnamon latte(with whipped cream), a mocha .....it really doesn't matter. Just not decaf!
Anyways, I was excited to find a song that is all about coffee! My theme song for the winter:) See my playlist at the bottom of the page if you want to listen to the song if a different song is playing.
Hey Barb: You must take after your mother. Coffee gets us through everything. I loved reading your updates and seeing new pictures of the kids. Looking forward to getting Lauran out of China. Two little Princeses! Wow. We should all have a great summer with two new babies to dote over. God is Good and we all have had many Blessings. MOM
Okay, I need you to help me figure out the "songs on the blog thing"
:0)I can't seem to get mine working! I didn't start drinking coffee until we adopted Evie - I tell her she was my introduction to coffee, since she hardly sleeps! My thoughts on decaff - why bother!! Stacey
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