She also had a Dr.s appt. today for a weight check. At her last well check she hadn't gained much weight and her BMI went down from a whopping 3% to 1%. She has had a lot of constipation problems and that causes tummy aches and then we struggle to get her to eat. I think some of it is obviously genetic...but I was a bit worried went she stopped gaining weight. went well today. She gained 3 lbs in the last 3 mo. She is a whole 28 lbs now. To tell you the truth I think she gained all of it from eating almonds. She LOVES them and I think would eat 5 bowls in a row if I let her.
We also cut her hair off today..shoulder length. I will post a picture later:) She loves it...they put glitter in her hair too. I am hoping I won't be dealing with food in the hair as much...I can hope right:)
Cutie Pie :0) She is so tiny, but I'm glad she is growing a little bit! Can't wait to see pics of her new hair-do!!
Megan, you rock! New hair cut, decorative headband, and an extra 4 pounds. Eat now; before you know it you will be like me. Eating little and gaining much :) Let your personality shine ~ keeping the family laughing. Merry
I can sort of relate to son and his wife are adopting an older child.......I can't wait......another grandchild!!!!
Love the new retro look Megan and gaining weight. Wow, keep it up. You look so big in your new bed. Love that headband, it fits you so well. Kisses & Hugs.
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