So I am think I am completely loosing it here, posting pictures of my mess, but that's what happens after an exhausting day of organizing, getting things ready to pack, 6 loads of laundry(my dryer has been out of commission for 2 weeks...uuhhhgg...and was finally fixed today) with about 8 0r 9 to go, phone calls to Dr's and teachers, emails to social workers and travel agents, oh and then there is the other everyday activities like meals, dishes, and how about just getting dressed before the fix it guy gets here. Sorry, just needed to do a little venting! I feel much better now! Needless to say, I was feeling overwhelmed today. So I decided too keep me focused on why I am going through all of this, that before I go past this mess.............
or this mess....
We have most of our travel booked. There is a portion of the in-country travel our agency is booking that we do not have all the info. yet. We are traveling to 3 provinces. 2 of them are a is Lauran's Provence, the other is the Provence where the U.S. consulate is located and we will finalize the adoption with the U.S. government there. Then we are also choosing to go to Beijing this time. Our trip ends up being 15 days rather than 17 like I had posted earlier. That is good news. Bad news is that our flight leaves at 5:00 am! Can anyone say coffee and lots of it!!!! (I am not a morning person)! I can't even bare to write at what time we will have to leave our house. Then we have a 7 hour lay over before we hop the next plane...then we stay put for 13 1/2 hours and land in Beijing! We shaved over $1000 off the cost or our families flights by taking this leaving China we are doing some 2 hr train ride to get to Hong Kong so we can fly out from there rather than the last Provence we visit...all of this saved us a ton of money. Please pray it all goes smoothly!! I am getting a little anxious about traveling with all the kids. We do have a family friend who has graciously volunteered to go along with us and be an extra hand. Thank you Merry!
Also, if you feel led to pray for us, please pray for Lauran's transition to go well, she has been through a lot for such a little girl!! I truly appreciate any of you who will be praying!! Thank You!
1 comment:
I'm so glad that I have this opportunity to go to China with you. What an experience it will be!
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