Tuesday was the official adoption day with her province. We went back to the civil affairs building, which is where gotcha day took place. They asked us if we are satisfied with her and if we wish to adopt her! We were also able to talk to the director and ask some questions. We did found out that they took her to the hospital every 45 days for blood transfusions. I am thinking that means she probably has an intermediate version of Thalassemia. They told us that a few days before she goes to to the hospital she starts to act sick and not like her normal self.
What surprises me is that she still has not really cried. She sort of moans and grunts at times when she is unhappy. The orphanage director did say she does not like crying. I was a little confused by the statement. When I asked what they meant she said because she was the oldest she did not like to cry. So I am not sure if they have encouraged her not to cry.
Now that we have had Lauran now for a couple days and are starting to see more of her personality! When she comes out of her "zone”, as I call it, she is very bubbly and giggly. This happens more when we are in the hotel and she starts to play. She loves to play and be silly and is already starting to copy some of the words the kids say. She also has some amazingly good table manners. She is very meticulous about washing her hands and cleaning crumbs off the table. Actually, she cleans up everything on her own. Her and Megan just had craft time and she ..on her own started to clean the table. Took out the trash can set it at the end of the table and brushed all the pieces of paper Megan cut and backs of the stickers they peeled off and brushed them in the trash can….then put the trash can away. She did this all on her own..none of us had started cleaning up. She has obviously been taught some things!! She also is a really good eater and seems to know a lot. …how to get dressed, potty…so forth. When we are out and about she does goes back in her zone. She is more withdrawn and quiet. She is also starting to protest more when I do not hold her or when people touch her. Todd can usually hold her for a minute before she protests. She LOVES it when we are in the hotel and he plays with her though.
Today we visit the orphanage. It will be a long day since it is over a 3 hour drive one way. I am curious as to how she will react when we are there since she is a little older than Megan was. Hopefully I will be able to get pictures. Friday we will go do some shopping for some local souvenirs. And then later on Friday we will take a short flight to our last destination, Guangzhou. This is where we have our final appt. with the U.S.A consulate and will get Lauran’s visa. We will be there from from Friday to Wed.
We have visited a couple of very beautiful parks here in Nanning. One was called the People’s Park and it had a small amusement park…which the boys loved. We went there on the morning before we got Lauran. The weather was so perfect and it was not very humid. Today when we went to the second park it was unbearably humid and hot!! We are definitely spoiled in the U.S. You would not believe how many buildings do not have air conditioning….including big stores like Walmart. Even at the places that have air conditioning it feels like it is barely on…..including our hotel rooms!
As far as all of us…emotions sometimes with everyone are very tense. The boys fight over who sits with Lauran or who taught her a new word. Megan is having a hard time sharing me when I have Lauran and when Todd has Lauran she does not want to share him. She doesn’t want to eat at any meal what so ever! Lauran and Megan's hardest time is bedtime. Lauran gets very sad and Megan jealous. Last night was a hard night. With that said...overall we are all enjoying the new member of our family and we feel very blessed and thankful!!
It has been hard to find time to post…I will hopefully post some pictures tonight of the events of the last few days…now off to the orphanage!
Joining Hands to Write a New Chapter
1 week ago
My heart goes out to both the girls. I fig. Megan might have a hard time. This is so hard on both of them. Sounds like thay taught her a lot and maybe she was not allowed to cry. Gosh I hope not. I will be anxiously waiting to hear how it went at the orphanage. I was sorry to hear that Lauran needed those transfusions. I cannot imagine what she has gone through in such a short time. You are all in my prayers. Give hugs to all the kids. Say Hi to Merry and I will be glad when you are all home. I am looking forward to more pictures. Love Mom/Grandma
I bet it seemed odd to be asked if you were satisfied with her. She's just precious. I agree with your Mom in that I hope they didn't discourage crying. I imagine that the longer she's with you and has more bonding time, she'll open up and express her emotions more.
Will she need a transfusion before returning home? I wonder what that is like for her.
I hope all goes well with the visit to the orphanage.
Take care. Miss you lots!
Oh, hang in there guys! Life will become more normal in the US!! You know how they say orphanage kids learn not to cry, because crying usually does not produce anything -no one comes running or tends to your needs when you cry in an orphanage. Also, Evie didn't grieve until about 2 weeks home, and then she grieved hard. Lauran may just be overwhelmed by all the changes. You know this, but just keep loving her and she will learn to trust you for all her needs! Ellie didn't really cry either - she just threw fits :0) Not sure which is worse??!! I had to laugh about the boys fighting over Lauran - too cute! Can't wait to see some more pictures! You're almost there - I was always so glad to get to GZ - the LAST leg of the trip!!You are in our thoughts, Stacey
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