The reason behind the spelling of Lauran's name has to do with my oldest, Nathan and his attention to detail! The cute story is that Nathan noticed when we were adopting Megan that his brother Ryan's name and his name both ended in 'an'. So he said that the baby's name should also end in 'an'. I just thought it was so cute he noticed that and since Megan was the only 'an' name already on the list we decided that was the one! We wanted to continue with that theme because I smile every time I think back to that conversation with Nathan. It is so "him" to notice a detail like that! I decided I wanted it to be spelled with the 'an' though, not just sound like it ended in the 'an'...even though Nathan said he was fine with it either way!
We decided on Joanna for two reasons. I was looking through names and Joanna means "gift of the Lord". Also, My moms name is Joan it is sort of a version of her 2 names. Lauran will be my Mom and Dads 12th Grandchild! Holy Moly! Number 11 was born 2 days ago to my sister Keri.....Cutie Addison Mae! She is a little peanut at 6lbs 2 oz. I can't wait to see her next weekend!

Addison Mae
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