Sunday, June 27, 2010

Back to Thinking.....

Back to thinking about the "stuff" we tried not to think about on Lauran's day ...

Thinking about this year ahead as we face some difficult decisions with Lauran's medical care....

Thinking about how overwhelming the medical information can be...

Thinking about how hard it has been over the last year, yet how amazingly blessed I still feel...
Thinking about how amazing God is and how grateful I am for His word, which sustains me every day...

Thinking about those little ones in China, especially those with Thalassemia; praying they have forever families soon...

Thinking A LOT about what it means to really trust God....I mean really trust Him...when you are scared to death...

Thinking..still...about Lauran on her birthday, and the sparkle she had on her face...

Thinking about how much each one of my children are blessings and how God has so uniquely knit our family....

Thinking I should not have started a post so I guess I need to quit thinking so much!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lauran's Day

 Thursday was Lauran's birthday. She turned 4! She was soo excited for this day to arrive! She handed out "Gank yous" left and right too. "Gank" you for the princess cake..."Gank" you for the presents...."Gank" you for the decorations! 
I will take as many thank yous, mispronounced or not, as I can get too :)

Yes this was Lauran's Day! She soaked up every minute of it too!!

She even happily 

posed with  

each one  

of her 

family members !

She even more happily posed in her
 favorite dress!

It was definitely Lauran's day! Her 4th birthday and her 2nd birthday as our daughter. God has transformed her in so many ways. She is a reminder to me of His faithfulness, goodness, and unconditional love.
It was a day to forget the medical "stuff", to not discuss thalassemia and not think about the decisions ahead. It was her day and she knew it!
She LOVED it...just in case you couldn't tell!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Journey...

What comes to your mind when you think of....

A Boat?
Matthew 14:29-31
"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

Or Water?
Psalm 23:2
He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet water.

Or Rocks ?
Isaiah 26:4
" Trust in the LORD forever,  For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.

For me the last several months I have been on  ...

 A journey of faith....
 faith even when I am out of my boat and the winds are strong!

A journey of learning to let Him lead me....
  to a place where the water is still!

 A journey of trusting in the Lord....
my everlasting Rock

Sunday, June 13, 2010


As we have walked the path of adoption, sometimes moments like these.... 

Remind me of the amazing blessings that God  has given.....

Not only to Todd and I.....

But to each one of our children.  The boys love their sisters and the girls love their brothers!!
Siblings...knit together by God!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Memorial Weekend...Continued

Last weekend after we went to the children's museum the boys and the girls met up and hung out at my sister's condo.  

The girls love playing with their little cousin Addie!!

Lauran was the first one in line for food!
Have I mentioned Lauran loves to eat! She loves food and will try anything. Sometimes she eats more like a grown up than a little girls .....ribs, steak, guacamole. She will not just eat the guacamole either ..she will lick the entire bowl clean....if you let her! The only thing she not crazy about are breads...which explains why she told me.." Mom, I want a hangurger, with no bum...NO bum mom..OK!"

Ryan is a sports nut and spent the day tossing his football and baseball!

Later a couple of us decided to take a short walk....

since my sister and her family have this beautiful lake blocks from their urban oasis!!

I even managed to catch a snapshot of my oldest...who by the way is growing like a weed!! He has managed to almost catch up to me..which, I know,  isn't sayin' much...but still!

Lauran discovered the art of rock throwing...and the fun of loosing her balance when the waves come...and then landing her bottom in the sand (thus the wordless Wednesday picture in my earlier post)

Megan ...well she loves to pose for the camera..and does it quite well.

A great day with family!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010