Monday, June 7, 2010

Memorial Weekend...Continued

Last weekend after we went to the children's museum the boys and the girls met up and hung out at my sister's condo.  

The girls love playing with their little cousin Addie!!

Lauran was the first one in line for food!
Have I mentioned Lauran loves to eat! She loves food and will try anything. Sometimes she eats more like a grown up than a little girls .....ribs, steak, guacamole. She will not just eat the guacamole either ..she will lick the entire bowl clean....if you let her! The only thing she not crazy about are breads...which explains why she told me.." Mom, I want a hangurger, with no bum...NO bum mom..OK!"

Ryan is a sports nut and spent the day tossing his football and baseball!

Later a couple of us decided to take a short walk....

since my sister and her family have this beautiful lake blocks from their urban oasis!!

I even managed to catch a snapshot of my oldest...who by the way is growing like a weed!! He has managed to almost catch up to me..which, I know,  isn't sayin' much...but still!

Lauran discovered the art of rock throwing...and the fun of loosing her balance when the waves come...and then landing her bottom in the sand (thus the wordless Wednesday picture in my earlier post)

Megan ...well she loves to pose for the camera..and does it quite well.

A great day with family!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Looks like you all had a fun day in Chicago. Love all the pictures.