Today was another story! She had a lab appt. to do her weekly blood draw and guess what ? They couldn't find a vein. Then they tried the other arm and by this time she is screaming and fighting us. Then they just get the needle in her arm and Lauran's foot broke loose and it hit the nurses hand and the needle came out :( So....try again they say! Then the nurse had an idea, she decided to call (not sure who) and see if it was OK to get the blood via a finger prick....and it was, as long as they could keep the blood flowing to get enough blood. So she did that and it worked! She had to prick the finger twice to get enough blood but Lauran didn't cry either time. The nurse said we will try it this way first from now on rather than the needle. What a relief! This is a weekly event for us and I can't imagine her going through this all the time. Who knows how many pokes this girl has had in the past and how many times they had trouble finding a vein! UUHHG! Hopefully now she will just have to endure the needle only for the transfusion!
Things at home are going better sleep wise. Things around here are still completely disorganized. The girls though, are starting to get along better and even play together. Sometimes they are so sweet together! Lauran still loves playing with the boys too and has gotten into the daily routine of watching for them to come home on the bus! It is crazy around here when everyone is home. Crazy and loud! A lot of times it is just a fun, playing loud! And sometimes it is ....everyone is needy and melting down....loud!! That's a house with 4 kids! Noises of blessing:) At least that is what I going to start reminding myself when I am ready to go pull my hair out....which usually happens daily between 4:30 - 6:00. I am on the search for some ideas to make this time of day go better...ideas anyone?
I thought I would leave you with a couple cute pictures of Lauran from last week. I found her sitting at the computer desk. We have learned since adopting her that she is a genius and has been working on some important medical research on how to poke all the nurses back after she gets poked. No offense to any nurses out there .... Lauran wants you to know you will definately get a sticker afterwards!! You can see by her big smile that this research is exciting and VERY rewarding!
Lauran, good job with the research. Say, I can see your cell phone in the picture. Give me a call sometime and we can chat. "Aunt Merry"
Maybe you can assign tasks. Like someone sets the table, someone makes sure the shoes are in order, or have a load of towels ready to be folded. ~ Merry ~
Last comment is in response to your request for suggestions for the 4:30 to 6:00 time zone. Merry
She is so cute!
I can't wait to enhance the noise when we come with Jillian and Daniel next weekend. ;) Cris
Oh yes I remember the noise! Of course you, Barb never made any. Yah right. I love the pictures at the computer desk. Maybe you could teach her how to pay the bills. I would curtail the reserch though, She seems to know a lot about giving those transfusions. Anyway, my advice between 4:30 - 6:30. FORGET IT! Some day in the next 16 yrs. or so it will quiet down. I like Merry's idea. Put them to work.
As a nurse, I hope Lauran's research funding runs out soon - there are many kids that would love to pay me back for all the pokes :0) You guys need to add 2 barking dogs to the noisy 4 kids! As for the terror time of the day - just smile, make some coffee and repeat to yourself, "this too shall pass!" I hope this week's blood tests go more smoothly! We will be at CHOW on the 28th in the morning - will you guys be there then? Maybe we'll bump into you!
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