The following pictures are from our stay in Guangzhou. This was the last part of out trip. This is the city where the American Consulte is...everyone who adopts from China will stay here to finalize the adoption with the U.S.
This is a common site in China...laundry out to dry.
This ia a dinner boat ride down the pearl river. I missed it :( I had some horrible stomach issues..that lasted through the next day when we flew home. I feel bad Merry missed because of me too. Long story! Todd and the three below went!

We had a day at the zoo too...look in the background, in the cage, and you will see a panda
We had a day at the zoo too...look in the background, in the cage, and you will see a panda
One day ws good for swimming...the girls were napping at the time. It was a nice pool...too bad we didn't have nicer weather to swim.
Starbucks in China...nothin' is finer !!!!!!!
These are pictures inside the White Swan Hotel where we stayed for the last leg of our trip. It has an indoor waterfall and a little bridge that is over a pond filled with goldfish.
She did this all on her own!! No posing from me at all!! Too cute!
Megan..posing. Her words before every picture is "strike a pose"
looking at goldfish
Todd thought this was funny...The old bike carring a big screen TV
A park near the hotel
This is a giant ship carved from Jade...this is inside the White Swan hotel
Mr Healy--
I cannot believe how GRAY you are this what fatherhood [or hangin' with Barb(ie) all these years...] do to you????? Did you have a happy b-day on Monday? Congrats again!!!
Nice pictures, Love those poses Megan can create. That's my girl. Heart melting pictures of Todd & Lauran. That's definitely her Bubu! So do we have two little Princess's or is one the Queen now? Hugs to all.
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