Today I talked with the hematology nurse to go over Lauran's recent hemoglobin results. As expected she has continued to drop each week. She drops almost one point a week. One week after the transfusion she was 11.8. Normal is 12-14 for her age. Last Fridays result was 10.5. This Friday she will most likely be in the 9's. Next week she is scheduled for her transfusion and she will most likely be in The 8's by then. The question on my mind was what is the number they are looking for? What is the lowest they want to see it go? The nurse said the hematologist does not want it to go below 9. Then the body absorbs iron quicker(which is not good in Lauran's case) and also the bone marrow begins to work too hard. The next question was if she is in the 9's by week 3 will they possibly move her to a 3 week schedule of transfusions rather than wait 4 weeks. The answer was yes. I will find out more next week if that will happen, but I am preparing myself for that possibility. Sad news for Lauran!
Please be praying for her transfusion next week ...that they find a vein quickly and it is not tramatic for her!
Thanks so much!
Joining Hands to Write a New Chapter
1 week ago
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