Tomorrow(Wed) afternoon Lauran goes in for her cardiology appts. Please pray she will be calm and not scared. They told me she is old enough that she doesn't need to be sedated...I am hoping they are right. These appt. are to make sure she doesn't have any problems due to too much iron. Also, as I mentioned before, she will be going in for weekly blood draws. I am praying these pokes become a little less traumatic over time. She will have that on Thursday. Also, pray that her blood tests do not show that she needs a transfusion any sooner than the 4 week schedule we are on already!
Thanks for your continues prayers and support!
Joining Hands to Write a New Chapter
1 week ago
Praying as always - the heart team at CHOW is wonderful! Evie actually loves going in for her Echos - they put a movie on :0) Any word about getting a PICC or PORT so Lauran won't need anymore pokes??? That would be a great solution! Let me know if I can do anything :0) Stacey
I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. I know how much it hurts watching you child have medical procedures and not being able to explain why. Your mom and I cried waiting for the elevator after we left you in the hospital for a procedure and you had to stay all night. It sounds like you have some people on your side who have gone through this and can give you some ideas on how to make it a little more comfortable. Take care - Carol U
I was thinking the same as Stacey regarding the PORT. Ask the Doc about that. Merry
Carol was right Barb, They took you away in little red wagon. It was heartbreaking. I agree with Stacey also. Thank you Stacy for mentioning that. Great Idea! Barb,You guys are always in my prayers. Things will eventually get easier.
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